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Meet The Models.


These are the dogs that are featured here with all our puppy pouches.  ChiChis is a long haired Chihuahua, Benny and Crosby are 2 of ChiChi's puppies, and Tanner is a Chinese Created/Xolo mix

This is ChiChi.  She is a 6 pound, long haired Chihuahua.  We got her through a private adoption.  We were never informed that they bred her a couple weeks prior.  Much to our surprised, 3 weeks later, our came 4 very health babies; Bella, Shelby, Crosby and Benny.  Happily, Bella and Shelby found 2 very loving homes.

This is Crosby.  Nothing is wrong with his eyes.  He has the most gorgeous blue eyes.  He is all of 6 pounds, like momma.  He knows how to work his eye and the camera.  A naural born model.

This is our Benny Bear, as she is called.  She got her name due to she resembelling a Saint Bernard when she was first born.  Not much now, but what's in a name?

This is baby Tanner-Fili.  He is a Chinese Crested/Xolo mix.  100% energy, bald except for his mohawk and tail.  In this picture he was all of 3 months old.  He is the main reason I started making the pouches.  It gets cold up here in the north.

Crosby, Tanner, and Benny

The Canines

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